Tuesday, September 22, 2009

boring back again ......
haiz.....leter still wan tuition...
i dun wan go ><
but...cant.....if dun wan go
gt ppl will kill me ==
my洁sister......she so 霸道haha
kidding only.....

at cameran so
batter than genting ei ><
stupid lo......


the baby .....捣蛋鬼haha pang jia kang kkaka

and there.....i just can tell u all.....
nothing 2 buy......cause all is strawbarry ><
wat aso strawbarry = =
and the番薯蛋 so nice ^^

we go d hotel ^^
and gt one hotel so nice ^^
next time must go there

this hotel RM4oo one day .....haha
but  gt one is ...8oo美金><
at malaysia is RM2400 wanlao ......

this 电话亭still gt ppl use??????

this stupid thing ......c it?? DO NOT LITTER and
but...u c inside......them self but d ><
so stupid wan d .......

and when we go hotel ........

cameron aso 塞车 ?????like KL ><

HAHA so nice leh....^^ if can forever life here good ya
if not  to cool = =

secound day...we eating at restarun...
so cute a house lai d ^^

then after tat we go ipoh ^^
go there eat 牙菜鸡haha
at there d rice......RM1.20 just a litter only
wanlao...a stupid boss....tipu orang d ><

when back ....塞车again ><
just at ipoh back 2 kepong ....
use jor 3hour ><

i can tell all guys
at cameron nothing 2 buy......
cause....tell sell d wat thing
aso disign with strawbarry
and PMR wan come loh...
ei all form 3 gambateh yo....
dun scare ^^
PMR is easy d... know?

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